Sunday, February 16, 2025


 For our project, we want to shoot at a few different places so we can develop more stories in the little time we have. We have decided that our first minute is going to be the chase scene and we want this scene to be at a park/ In the woods. We want a place with a lot of trees so we can shoot some running scenes and hide scenes in the trees. We also want it to be a little darker so the lighting will help create that eerie mood. we can shoot all or most of the chase scene here and the killing can be on top of a hill to silhouette the characters.

    next, we want to shoot in a public area either a school or mall so we can show the group of kids that witness these events and how they are coping with the burden of watching this killing. We might also decide to shoot at someone's house and show the kids that way but we are not 100% sure yet.

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