
The first element of mise-en-scene we are focusing on is costume design. The costumes can help add a lot of personality and meaning to the characters, especially since we only have 2 minutes to convey as much character development as possible. We want each character's costume to have meaning and explain their personality. The first character we focused on is the killer; we want her to have a killer vibe but still have meaning to her costume. This is why we decided to have her wear a red outfit that seems cheerleader-like because we want the killer to be popular, but the red can represent love and her crazy ex side. She is going to wear a mask, but we want to make it have some sort of broken heart or something on it which also adds to her character and her crazy broken heart/ex mentality. Since her name is going to be Elaine after the love witch, we want her to use a similar dagger to her as an ode to her character.

For the group of kids that witness the murder and have to figure out the murder, we want each character's personality to be represented by each character so we want one person to be a rich kid, one to be super smart, and the last one to be a rebel. So for the rich kid he would wear really nice clothes the smart one would wear some out fit and would have glasses and the last kid would have a lot of chains and baggy clothes.


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