
Today my partner and I went to search for some props we felt would fit the intro's theme and, more specifically, the killer. The first thing we thought we needed was a mask for the killer to wear like any good killer has. We settled on a clear mask like the one shown below.

This gives us room to work with and personalize the mask. We have decided to paint the inside of the mask all white to hide the killer's face and paint red lips, rosy cheeks, and mascara running down the mask. This adds to her character because she is a crazy ex who was heartbroken and sought vengeance.

The next prop we found was her weapon. We decided to make her use the knife show in the movie The Love Witch. This is because our character has a heavy influence from Elaine in The Love Witch; therefore, it is a nod to the movie. Our killer's personality has a lot that resembles Elaine, so we thought it only fitting to give her the correct weapon.

We also went out to buy the costumes for each character, so we bought a Star Wars shirt for the nerd, a plain tee and hat for the "jock" and a nicer outfit for the "preppy" kid. For the most part, now we are almost all set to start filming next week and start the actual creation of our project.


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