Portfolio Project: Genre

 The genre we chose is horror/slasher. we want to start the intro with a chase scene of sorts to create an immediate intensity to setup the mood for the rest of the movie if we were to make one. The first movie I looked at for research and inspiration is the 2008 movie Prom Night. In the movie, there is a scene where the character Lisa is running from the killer but it starts very quiet and leaves you anxious the camera then pans and you see the killer in front of her.

Lisa chase scene

 I love this and think personally I can utilize this idea to some degree. I like the part of the killer just appearing and almost startling the audience but I would like for the killer to say something to the person running to add some background information on why the person is being chased. I would also like to play with lighting here so that you wont be able to see the killer's face very well if possible.

    The next movie I researched was Friday the 13th part 2. The movie is really good with sound/ music but also their chase scenes and scenes to get the audience on the edge of their chair. One of the clips that I enjoyed and would like to utilize aspects of is the scene where ginny the main character is hiding under the bed in the cabin.

Ginny hiding under bed

    this scene is amazing at creating tension and engaging the audience. it gives the audience that feeling of wanting to help and tell the character what to do. Another scene from the same movie that I would like to take inspiration from is the scene where Ginny gets grabbed by Jason through the window.(Couldnt find clip of the scene) Jason grabbing her is an amazing jumscare that was very well done. he came out of nowhere and created a very startling scene so I would like to utilize some jump scares in my project.

Another movie I looked at was the  Texas Chainsaw Massacre(1974). The last scene when the girl is almost home free and is getting chased by both Leatherface and the sibling is amazing. It keeps the audience on the edge of their seat trying to anticipate if she's going to make it or not. 

TCM dirt road chase scene

I would love to end my project with a scene like this where you can see the person getting chased by the killer but instead, I would have the killer catch them and you would pan away as they get killed. It would act as a transition into the rest of the movie which would probably be a crime mysteries slasher.


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