Today we are still working on editing. We are more focused on touching up our project and making sure everything looks smooth and put together. Yesterday I got almost all the clips together. Now I want to work with some FX. Since we are making a slasher movie, I want it to be dark and eerie. Right now I am learning how to add a color filter over the intro to make it dark and learning how to add a vignette. I think this makes the movie create the desired tone and feel of a horror movie, which plays perfectly. My partner, on the other hand, wants to make everything vibrant to make everything look like a fever dream and create a sense of anxiety within the viewer. She got this idea from the movie Suspiria. This allows both of us to take completely opposite approaches and see which one we like more to create the best possible project.
Today we are starting our editing, so we created a Google Drive folder where we are collecting all the clips and pictures together so each director can pick and choose the desired clips. we are going to each make our own edit and decide which is the preferred edit. Right now we are just choosing clips and putting everything together to create our base story. This takes a while because I like to analyze every clip clip to determine which one I like the best to make the best product possible. We also have a lot more stuff to do with editing, such as FX and sound, to make everything come together and fit nicely as a completed project.
For our CCR we have a few ideas. We were told a talking head is a no-go because we want to make it fun and engaging. this is why we thought an interview/podcast could be cool. This format creates a natural way to discuss these topics while allowing for a lighthearted conversation to form making it interesting and engaging without making it boring. Another idea we had was to make a presentation where each person does voiceovers while showing clips and examples from our own work. This allows for us to answer exactly what needs to be answered with great detail but also allows us to show exact examples in our own work. Right now those are the 2 big contenders for ideas and we want to do the same thing to be as efficient as possible but we will have different questions and answers.
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