Today we had to create a story with pictures using the camera shots and angles that we have learned in class to show understanding of the material. My partner and I decided to take the approach of a horror story using simple items that we could find like a water bottle and a backpack. We wanted to use the shots to create a deeper emotion within our story so it would feel like how a real horror story would be planned out. I think our ideas flowed really well and we were able to get most of them onto our project. When It came time though we lacked a little in the execution of the photos and if I could I would like to go back and do them correctly so the story seems cleaner and more professional. The story is linked below. Presentation
editing #2
Today we are still working on editing. We are more focused on touching up our project and making sure everything looks smooth and put together. Yesterday I got almost all the clips together. Now I want to work with some FX. Since we are making a slasher movie, I want it to be dark and eerie. Right now I am learning how to add a color filter over the intro to make it dark and learning how to add a vignette. I think this makes the movie create the desired tone and feel of a horror movie, which plays perfectly. My partner, on the other hand, wants to make everything vibrant to make everything look like a fever dream and create a sense of anxiety within the viewer. She got this idea from the movie Suspiria. This allows both of us to take completely opposite approaches and see which one we like more to create the best possible project.
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